Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fleet complete

What a long day yesterday! We left at 5:55 from Solomon's and got into a windy and surprisingly wavy bay. We sailed downwind with the waves folowing and made very good speed just with the genoa but the wave action was so uncomfortable and unexpected that when I went down to make coffee it caught me unawares and made me fly to the other side of the boat. Nothing broken though, just bruised.
Then the head broke, so we spent twelve long hours studying up to be hired for the trapeze at the Cirque du Soleil, using the railings as props.
We made it into hampton, met our friends at Beau Soleil, who kindly lent us spares to fix the head, had a nice hot shower at Bluewater marina and slept.
Today we begin the odissey in the intercoastal: bridge openings, the lock and depth restriction ...
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Zingaro stays put, Far Away leaves

Zingaro will hibernate peacefully in Herrington Harbour between Liberty and Nehalennia, in the spot left by Sweet Tides, in the meantime its crew will attempt to take Far Away to Puerto Rico. The adventure starts on Wednesday, November 18th.
Posts for this voyage will be in